30 Days of Blogging
01 December 2016

On the first day of November, I challenged myself to 30 days of writing. Not just any kind of writing either, I wanted to do 30 days of tech blogging. If you look at this blog, you’ll see that I clearly didn’t finish that, I did learn quite a few things though.

In depth understanding of different concepts

I covered a range of concepts, from Angular, to Git mistakes, to Jekyll, and while have a general understanding of these topics, I'm still no expert. Writing about them forced me to dive deep into why things worked the way they did. Along the way, I learned plenty, like change detection, and new git commands.

How to talk technically

I've always taken pride in being able to translate technical terms into simpler ones that non-developers can understand. Mostly, because I don't like throwing around technical terms as I speak. Writing about programming forced me to add them into my vernacular, and more importantly, it forced me to be more confident in using them.

How to write better

I didn't want to write just for the sake of it. I made sure each entry was grammatically and technically correct. I also wanted it to be just the right length. As they say, it should be like a mini skirt; short enough to keep people's interest, but long enough to cover the important parts.

Reading even more often

I read a lot. But this past month, I read between builds, in the elevators, and while waiting in line. It was a great eye opener on how much idle time I had and how to fill it.

30 days of blogging isn't sustainable

A mere 10 days into the challenge, I learned that writing technical pieces daily wasn't sustainable just yet. There's so much more for me to learn before I write about them, and the number of topics I could confidently cover did not keep pace with my daily writing.